Shoe boxes are my most favorite storage place. I have them piled up in different cabinets around the house. I would place them everywhere but the design of these boxes is not appealing enough to have them displayed on open shelves. I was thinking of different ways how to embellish their unflattering design and then one day walking into BoConcept I saw this:
Krabice od topánok sú mojím najobľúbenejším odkladacím priestorom. Mám ich naukladaté v skriniach po celom dome. Najradšej by som ich mala vyložené všade, ale s pôvodným dizajnom by to asi nebol dobrý nápad. Rozmýšlala som, ako by sa tieto krabice dali skrášliť a jedného dňa som v BoConcept uvidela toto:
I really liked this idea of fabric covered boxes but then I realized that I didn't like the idea of using the glue. And that's when I came up with this project. All you need is a shoe box and an adhesive wallpaper. It's so easy and inexpensive. And so pretty!
Zapáčil sa mi nápad pokryť krabice látkou, ale odradilo ma použitie lepidla. A vtedy ma napodol tento projekt. Všetko čo k nemu potrebujete je krabica od topánok a lepiaca tapeta. Je to strašne jednoduché, lacné a výsledok parádny!

Vzorka na tapete mi pripomenula túto fotku, ktorú sme urobili na kamarátkinej svadbe v júni.
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