| the king of ice-cream

This is Scott with his favorite porkpie hat and he is being an ice-cream king only in this picture. In reality he is my colleague working in our office in Pretoria. / Toto je Scott v jeho obľúbenom klobúku a zmrzlinovým kráľom je len na tejto fotke. V skutočnosti je mojim kolegom z našej kancelárie v Pretórii. 

| washi

There are hundreds of creative ideas with washi tapes out there. This one is mine. / S washi páskami sa dá realizovať stovky kreatívnych nápadov. Toto je môj.
washi pásky

| gone thrifting

Splurging 3 euros and feeling classy. Teapot with sugar bowl, my latest flea market finds. / Oplieskať 3 eurá a cítiť sa nóbl. Čajník s cukorničkou, moje posledné úlovky z blšáku.

| roll your own healthy rolls

I would have never thought that it is this easy! Find this healthy and yummy spelt roll recipe here. / Nikdy by som si nemyslela, že je to až takéto jednoduché! Recept na tieto zdravé a chutné špaldové rohlíky nájdete tu.

Špaldové rohlíky